十堰有着悠久的历史,东临“三国”襄阳、南望神农架、北屏古秦岭,汉江自西向东横贯全境。现在的城区于清朝因人们在百二河和犟河拦河筑坝十处以便灌溉,由此得名十堰。1969年12月经**批准成立十堰市(县级市),1973年升格为省辖市。1994年10月,成立新的十堰市(地级市)。[2] 沥青瓦是应用于建筑屋面防水的一种新型的屋面材料。沥青瓦的使用范围并不是只用于别墅,它 可以用于只要能满足施工要求的:水泥屋面厚度不低于100mm,木结构屋面不低于30mm的任何建筑 ,除了具备瓦的所有功能外,它还有一个特点就是特别是能适合坡度0-90度的屋面和任何形状的 屋面。 Asphalt tile is a new type of roofing material used in building roof waterproofing. Asphalt tile scope of application is not only for the villa, it can be used as long as it can meet the construction requirements of the cement roof thickness not less than 100mm, wooden roof structure of any building not less than 30mm, in addition to all possess the function of tile, it has a characteristic that is especially suitable to slope roof and any shape of 0-90 the roof. 沥青瓦被风吹掉(脱落)的原因? 很多客户反映说沥青瓦在大风天气很容易就被吹起来了,成片成片的掉。甚至开始否定沥青瓦。 在这里我只能说,给您的安装手册您一定没有看!!!这个问题涉及到多个环节,常见原因有: 未使用**钢钉(钉子长度,直径不够,钉帽不够大),屋顶基层不达标(表现为整张瓦片连钢 钉被吹走),钢钉位置没钉对(可以根据被吹走的瓦片上的钢钉洞来判断),钢钉没有钉进去( 可以根据屋面上残留的钢钉的高度来判断),钢钉钉少了(根据被吹走的瓦片上的钢钉洞来判断 ),施工时气温已很低,瓦片胶条无粘性,风力太大(国家标准是抗97KM/H的风即9级风)。要根 据实际情况来进行判断。另外也需要跟客户提前告知,比如施工要规范,风大的地方建议客户要 做一些加钢钉,加涂沥青胶,气温低时要用喷灯火烤等。 Asphalt tiles were blown away (off) the reason? A lot of customers reflect that the asphalt tile is blown up in a windy day, falling into pieces. Even began to deny the asphalt tile. Here I can only say that you do not have to read the installation manual!!! This problem involves many aspects, the most common reasons: without the use of special steel nail (nail length, diameter is not enough, the nail is not big enough, not up to the standard of basic roof) (expressed as the whole piece of tile even nails were blown away), steel nail nail in the position can not be blown away (according to the tiles on the steel the nail hole, not to judge) steel nail nails (can be judged according to the roof on the residual nail height), nail less (according to blow away tiles on the steel nail hole, construction temperature judgment) is very low, tile glue without stickiness, the wind is too high (the national standard is that the anti 97KM/H wind 9 wind). According to the actual situation to judge. They also need to inform the customer, such as construction norms, the wind where clients are advised to do some steel nails, coated with bitumen glue, low temperature to torch fire etc.. 瓦片为什么这么容易折断? 玻纤胎沥青瓦中间是一层玻纤胎,玻纤胎浸入沥青中然后布上彩砂,就是我们的玻纤瓦。瓦片主 要是靠这层玻纤胎体在支撑。而整个瓦片也只有2.6MM厚度,所以非常容易用手掰断。 Why do tiles break so easily? The middle of the glass fibre tyre is a layer of glass fibre reinforced asphalt tiles, glass fiber cloth and then immersed in tire asphalt sand, glass tile is our. The tile is mainly supported by the glass fiber matrix. The entire tile is only 2.6MM thickness, it is very easy to break with the hand. 2.抗老化,优越的耐候性能,**长的使用年限 PVC外墙挂板采用了高效、长效抗紫外线稳定剂组成的特殊复合材料,耐老化、抗辐射,可以抗御各种恶劣气候,在各种自然风化的影响下都能历久如新,省却了铲刮斑驳脱落、重新涂刷翻新等烦恼,使您的维护从此一劳永逸,使用年限可达三十年以上。 3.优良的物理性能和化学性能 PVC外墙挂板 PVC外墙挂板 PVC外墙挂板具有良好的韧性、耐钉性与抗外力冲击性,可以根据不同的工程设计及工艺要求任意裁剪,弯曲变化造型,不会脆裂,不易刮损,耐酸碱的腐蚀和水汽的侵蚀,导热系数低,自熄阻燃,达到难燃级标准,能有效延缓火势蔓延。